Sustainable Danbury

SustainableCT  - To foster inclusive, resilient, and vibrant Connecticut municipalities that provide opportunities for all to thrive by: ​providing a menu of sustainability actions that build local economies, support equity, and respect the finite capacity of the environment; ​offering technical assistance to help advance sustainability initiatives; and​ recognizing and certifying municipalities for their achievements. 

CT DOT - get involved in the Active Transportation Plan

Native plant ordinances

Somerville MA

Montclair, NJ

Maps and Data

CT Data Haven

Park Serve - areas within a ten-minute walk of a park

Environmental Justice Block Groups map

Danbury Water Quality and Stormwater Summary

Downtown Danbury Zoning Study

Project Drawdown - Resource for Climate Solutions

CCM Report on Flooding

Low Speed Zone Design

Inland Wetlands and Waterways

WestCOG Report on the Buildable Square

Urban Forestry

City Scale Urban Forest Management

Grant Programs

Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program - to address outdoor recreation deficits in densely populated urban areas

Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

Environmental Justice New England

Urban Green and Community Gardens Grant