Sustainable Danbury
SustainableCT - To foster inclusive, resilient, and vibrant Connecticut municipalities that provide opportunities for all to thrive by: providing a menu of sustainability actions that build local economies, support equity, and respect the finite capacity of the environment; offering technical assistance to help advance sustainability initiatives; and recognizing and certifying municipalities for their achievements.
CT DOT - get involved in the Active Transportation Plan
Native plant ordinances
Maps and Data
Park Serve - areas within a ten-minute walk of a park
Environmental Justice Block Groups map
Danbury Water Quality and Stormwater Summary
Project Drawdown - Resource for Climate Solutions
Inland Wetlands and Waterways
WestCOG Report on the Buildable Square
Urban Forestry
City Scale Urban Forest Management
Grant Programs
Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program - to address outdoor recreation deficits in densely populated urban areas
Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan